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It’s Sunday again, and time for Weekend Writing Warriors (click on the logo above) and Snippet Sunday (click on the logo below.) Today I’m posting 8 sentences from my first published book, Homecoming available in all formats from Amazon, Barnes and Noble and iUniverse.

Continued from last week: Nik is speaking to Derik.

“And you’re dead right about the muscle tone. He’s moving his body entirely by telekinesis and levitation – no muscle control at all. I didn’t catch on because he wouldn’t let me into his mind, I didn’t think he was capable of that kind of esper control, and I was giving him some electrical stimulation to keep the muscles from wasting too much until he regained control. Five months without that – he’s a mess physically.”

“And he’s obviously not properly blocked,” Derik added. He was thinking faster than he could move, stunned by Nik’s insistence that they’d caught only a fraction of the boy’s possible reaction. Like Lai and Nik, he had assumed that the boy was a latent – carrying almost the full suite of R’il’nian genes, but expressing only a fraction of them. He’d caught only a fraction of the reaction – not nearly as much as Nik.

And even that fraction was enough to flatten Derik.

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