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It’s Sunday again, and time for snippets from authors far and wide. For Weekend Writing Warriors click the logo above, for Snippet Sunday click the logo below.

This week I’m posting a snippet from Tourist Trap, available in all formats from Barnes and Noble, iUniverse and Amazon, though I can’t seem to get Amazon to offer a reasonable e-book price. Point out the lower prices to them. This is some 20 years earlier than Horse Power. An unexpected jibe has just knocked Roi out of the sailboat Timi has been piloting


NGC 2074, HubbleIf you knocked him out, something in the back of Timi’s mind whispered, there’s a good chance he’d drown.

That’s crazy, his saner self replied.  Roi’s my friend.

He’s your owner.  How can he possibly be your friend?

He was almost back to the eddy now, and with a surge of relief—or was it hatred?—he saw Roi’s head break water.  The R’il’noid was pawing feebly at the water, seemingly unable to use his right arm, and he was choking and coughing.

All you have to do is hit him like this, the voice whispered, and to his horror Timi felt his hands moving, not to assist Roi until the boat could get back to them, but to kill.

A vacation with his three best friends from slavery and a manhood challenge: Roi is given the graduation present he has dreamed of. Dogsledding, hang gliding, a chance to see Pleistocene animals transplanted to a Terraformed vacation world, horseback riding, sailing … all the sports he has returned to with his recovery from paralysis, and a few new ones to learn.

They’re prepared for danger from weather, wild animals and extreme sports. But none of them realize that Roi’s half brother Zhaim, determined to recover his old position as Lai’s heir, intends to kill them if he can—and he’s decided that the dangers of the trip will make a perfect cover for his schemes.

How long will it take them to realize that the “accidents” they keep running into are more than just accidents?

Tourist Trap, the second novel of the Jarnian Confederation, won first place in science fiction and fiction book of the year in the 2011 Reader Views contest.

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