Leafless treesThe sun will rise this morning at 8:42, and set 9 hours 49 minutes later at 6:30 this evening. The jet stream is still keeping it warm here, but the wind has come up enough to blow most of the leaves off of the trees. It doesn’t feel like winter yet, but I think fall is just about over.

I flew down to Anchorage last Thursday to see my surgeon, and everything looks good. It would be nice if my balance would return (not to mention my hair) but I still have hopes. Meanwhile I’m trying to get ready for a much longer trip, to Arizona, Tulsa, and upstate New York. Interesting packing problem. As of  9:16 last night it was 46° F here, 68° in Arizona, 66° in Tulsa and 61° in New York. When I come back to the airport it could easily be 30 below. And highs in Arizona, at least, suggest shorts would be appropriate. And I need to keep my luggage down.

Interesting problem.